Birthday crafting Card making Colouring Printables
Wish the incredible Captain Tom Moore a very happy birthday with our colour-in card!
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We’ve all been captivated by Captain Tom Moore, who has gallantly been raising money – and a lot of it! – for the NHS. On Tom’s 100th Birthday Walk For The NHS JustGiving page, the money he’s raised has surpassed an utterly incredible £27 million – his original target was £500,000.
It says: Captain Tom Moore is aiming to walk a hundred lengths of the back garden (which is 25m in length) before he is 100 years old at the end of the month. On Thursday 16th April, Captain Tom Moore completed his final 10 laps out of his 100. This was captured on platforms including the BBC and ITV, and can be seen across various worldwide news outlets. Tom is going to continue to walk, raise money for our NHS heroes, and spread some cheer around the world whilst doing so.
Tom was born and brought up in Keighley, Yorkshire. He went to Keighley Grammar School and later completed an apprenticeship as a Civil Engineer. Tom went onto being enlisted in 8 DWR (145 RAC) at the beginning of the war, and in 1940 was selected for Officer training. He was later posted to 9DWR in India, and served and fought on the Arakan, went to Regiment to Sumatra after the Japanese surrender and returned to be Instructor at Armoured Fighting Vehicle School in Bovington.
Team PaperCrafter has fallen in love with Tom, along with the rest of the world, so we’ve designed a simple birthday card for kids – and young-at-heart adults! – to colour in and send to him in time for his birthday on 30th April. Simply download the artwork, print it out, colour it in, and post to:
Captain Tom Moore
C/O Marston Moretaine Post Office
67 Bedford Road
Marston Mortaine
MK43 0LA
To donate, visit his JustGiving page.
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