We’ve got eight free printable downloads of exclusive polka dot paper designs for you to enjoy and use on paper and card making projects.
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We have trawled our archives to bring you a stunning selection of our favourite designs. Check out this website every month for our free printables treats plus head to our Facebook page to get even more free designs.
Get your crafty hands on exclusive PaperCrafter designs today by clicking this Download link and your free papers will download straight onto your computer, then simply print out as many as you need and start creating a wealth of wonderful crafty goodies today!
This month we’ve gone for those essential, everyday patterns that can be used on a wide range of makes to suit all occasions and are perfect for both male and female-themed projects. Our collection of different coloured polka dot printable papers will add a touch of quality to greetings and are ideal to use for party decorations and would be great for birthday gifts and as table favours. Take a peek at our lovely designs then download our free papers…
Download our free digi stamps and get your summer crafting off to a sizzling start. Colette Smith has drawn up 12 exclusive designs just for you – expect classic summer holiday…
Download our printable, grab your favourite pens or paints, then start colouring! This printable is perfect for crafters young and old, and you can go as simple or as extravagant…
To download our templates, simply click ‘Download Now!’ and it will open in your browser. Why not send us a picture of your project once you’re done? For your chance to be…
Home decor Home decorations Papercraft Papercrafter Party makes Templates
There’s nothing quite so relaxing, or quite so fun, as settling down with a good colouring page. It’s even better if that colouring page happens to include Wallace & Gromit. This duo…
Just pure crafty goodness!
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Just pure crafty goodness!