We Can’t BELIEVE This Is Made Out Of Paper
We love all things paper here at PaperCrafter HQ, but what we love even more is being totally shocked by what it can create! This beautiful make is a carpet that was made by quilling compact rolls of paper, no we couldn’t believe it either…
Lisa Nilsson is the artist behind this outstanding work titled Jardin. She was inspired by the patterns of an Islamic carpet, and it took her nearly eight months to make. Her other works focus on anatomical figures and textile patterns, all using the ancient technique of quilling.

The time-consuming part of the carpet was making the ornate figures of flowers, stars, and other patterns, as they needed to fill a 69cm x 86cm frame. However, Lisa actually improvised most of it as she worked outwards from the centre.

“This is the most ambitious piece I’ve made to date, but unlike rugmakers, I can make single elements and move them about. I don’t work in rows and I’m not committed to the size of a loom at the outset” Lisa Nilsson, Quilling Designer
Click here to see more of her fascinating designs, and if you’re new to quilling and want to learn the technique, find easy projects at our website
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