Behind the scenes at PaperCrafter HQ
Whilst there is a lot to organise when it comes to putting together a 68-page magazine every five to six weeks, the PaperCrafter editorial team manages to squeeze in a...
It’s hard to find fault with thortful, the UK’s first online greeting card marketplace. Created with the aim of providing the perfect card as quickly as possible, it boasts an incredibly diverse range of products that reflect the endlessly passionate community of creators that make them, while paying an industry-leading royalty rate to boot. Oh, and they have Letitia Allman who, you’ll soon find out, is darn good at what she does. Again, it’s hard to find fault with thortful.
As Head of Creative Talent, Letitia’s part of arguably the most important team in the company. “We track down the world’s most exciting creatives and introduce them to the wonderful world of making for thortful. I spend many an hour in Instagram rabbit holes searching for new creators to help support our growing business. To be a good greetings cardmaker, you need to have the ability to evoke emotion with a design that’s original and well executed; and you need a sentiment that’s funny, smart, heartfelt, and completely relatable. Most importantly, you have to love what you do.”
New job, new rules
Letitia joined thortful in January of this year, so it goes without saying it’s been an unnatural bedding in period. She’s immensely proud of how they’ve handled it: “Our team was amazing at adapting, and so was everyone. Us Brits always seem to find a way to laugh during the dark times.”
Their Send A Smile initiative was a shot of positivity when we needed it the most. “It captured the essence of what greetings cards should be. They’re meant to bring a smile to your face, to crack you up with laughter, or even bring tears to your eyes. There’s nothing like getting a tangible token of love and appreciation, and all those birthday cards sent to the incredible Sir Captain Tom on his 100th birthday proved that.” Does she have an all-time favourite in thortful’s range? “I could never choose My favourite changes by the day.”
We asked what Letitia was proudest of this year, and she didn’t have to think twice. “After recent global unrest following the murders of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, plus countless others, I was proud to be a part of the team that formulated our statement and company action plan which included supporting a Greater London charity called Voyage. I’m proud to be working for a company that takes a stand against injustice of any kind and one that truly supports diversity and inclusivity.”
After picking the brains of one of the most dynamic voices in the world of stationery, we had a question for Letitia that was a little left-field – which celeb would she want to send a card to the most, and which card would that be? “I would send our ‘Always Worth The Wait’ card to Rihanna. We’ve been waiting for her album for over four years now. We could all do with some good music to dance to during this weird time. Rihanna, if you’re reading this, this card is for you! We’re waiting!”. We’ve no doubt that Rihanna will be reading the latest copy of her favourite papercraft magazine, so a shout out to Letitia on her next album seems entirely on the cards – pun intended!
For more interviews with some of the craft industry’s leading names, head to our blog page.
Whilst there is a lot to organise when it comes to putting together a 68-page magazine every five to six weeks, the PaperCrafter editorial team manages to squeeze in a...
How time flies! It seems like not so long ago that we were unveiling our last issue and the next one is already on its way! Issue 62 will be...